In the event that AKI receives returned mail from a shareholder they are deemed “Missing.” This means that all correspondence, such as company announcements, newsletters and annual meeting materials, will be held in our office until we receive written verification of a correct mailing address. This can be our Address/Name Change Form or a letter listing your name, birthday, the last 4 digits of your Social Security No., telephone and new address. The letter must state that you wish to change your address with AKI and be signed and dated by you. A signature verification should accompany the letter.
Returned mail is often an expired forward placed with the US Postal Service which was never reported to AKI. If you are moving or changing your name please fill out the Address/Name Change Form and return it, along with appropriate documentation, to our office. Once we receive and verify your signature we will remove you from the missing list and forward all held correspondence and dividends to your new address. AKI, at the time you are deemed missing, will attempt to contact you at the forward address from the Post Office. It is ultimately your responsibility as a Shareholder of AKI to keep us informed regarding changes that are necessary to your file.
If your name appears below or you know the whereabouts of any of the individuals listed, please contact AKI at (907) 258-0604.
As a Small Disadvantaged Business able to qualify in all NAICS, we invite teaming opportunities with industry partners.
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc.
©2021 AKI Kodiak. All Rights Reserved.